Sun Country Meadows SCMIA Does not own property.
The Community Uses the Sun Country Community Church for a variety of events.
SCMIA maintains all the horse and riding trails throughout the neighborhood. Mowing and general care is taken for these trails several times a year. Fencing, trash collection, and repair is the responsibility of each individual homeowner.
The Community Uses the Sun Country Community Church for a variety of events.
SCMIA maintains all the horse and riding trails throughout the neighborhood. Mowing and general care is taken for these trails several times a year. Fencing, trash collection, and repair is the responsibility of each individual homeowner.
Tables and Chairs Available for Residents who are current on their dues
18- White 8' Tables
110 - Folding chairs- Mixture of white resin and brown folding chairs
A 7 day request in required and it is first come first serve on the tables and chairs. Tables and chairs are required to be picked up and returned by the borrower, items must be placed back into the trailer as it was received in an orderly and safe manner. All items must be scrubbed clean prior to return. Usage may not exceed 72 hours. Unless previously authorized by the PAYHOA representative.
18- White 8' Tables
110 - Folding chairs- Mixture of white resin and brown folding chairs
A 7 day request in required and it is first come first serve on the tables and chairs. Tables and chairs are required to be picked up and returned by the borrower, items must be placed back into the trailer as it was received in an orderly and safe manner. All items must be scrubbed clean prior to return. Usage may not exceed 72 hours. Unless previously authorized by the PAYHOA representative.
Mail house-
The Mail house is monitored, and upkeep is done by the HOA and volunteers.
Mail is delivered by an employee of the Elizabeth Post office. Any packages not delivered to the mail house due to size or available parcel space, must be picked up at the Elizabeth post office. Packages delivered to the mail house for the postal employee to take to the Post Office is done at the sole discretion of the postal worker and is not a requirement of this employee.
There are cameras for safety. The mail house is considered a Federal Building and laws surrounding Federal Buildings apply.
The Mail house is monitored, and upkeep is done by the HOA and volunteers.
Mail is delivered by an employee of the Elizabeth Post office. Any packages not delivered to the mail house due to size or available parcel space, must be picked up at the Elizabeth post office. Packages delivered to the mail house for the postal employee to take to the Post Office is done at the sole discretion of the postal worker and is not a requirement of this employee.
There are cameras for safety. The mail house is considered a Federal Building and laws surrounding Federal Buildings apply.

The Playground is available for residents, however the SCM Church owns this property. Please be respectful of the area and space.